RUUKKU Call: Re-Imagining

"Re-Imagining" addresses the various gestures of going back, returning to take another look, or for starting anew. It suggests that research in the context of artistic and creative practice could have a special relation to time; simultaneously attaching itself to a prior moment in time and, from there, propelling imagination to unforeseen futures. The theme proposes reassessments where the evaluation of past events, integral to research, is in unison with the anticipation potential, integral to the arts. It wonders about new conceptions of an idea, place, space, object, and ways of doing and making that emerge from a reverse glance — the challenges, updates, and improvements.
This issue of RUUKKU explores the various ideas, interpretations and possibilities of re-imagining as it is related to artistic research activities. Re-imagining can be conceived in relation to artist-researcher themselves or to an artwork: what might it mean to revisit established ideas from a new perspective or to produce thinking, knowledge, experience, and perhaps new praxes and poetics? Re-imagining can also be considered as a topical attitude within a particular research process, or in relation to larger contexts and realms of art, politics and society. Alternatively, the expositions can redefine the concept of re-imagining: What might it mean for the current moment and near future to ‘re-imagine' when the entire life on Earth needs urgent reconsideration?
The RUUKKU issue on the theme Re-Imagining draws from the Art of Research VIII conference, which was organized from 30 November to 1 December 2023 at Aalto University, School of Arts, Design and Architecture, Espoo, Finland. We invite artists–researchers and all participants of the Art of Research VIII conference as well as others interested in the issues addressed in the call to submit research expositions for this issue of RUUKKU Journal. The Re-imagining issue is edited by Harri Laakso, Sofia Pantouvaki and Priska Falin.
We ask you to create your proposals for research expositions in the Research Catalogue (RC) at Note! The creation of an exposition requires registration and a complete RC user account (see ‘register'). Please submit your proposals (complete expositions) via RC ('submit for review', and select 'RUUKKU') no later than the 10th of June 2024. If you wish for additional information about the call or need advice for technical aspects when creating your exposition, please contact Priska Falin at
Instructions for submitting, including links to detailed instructions, can be found at
Instructions for submitting, including links to detailed instructions, can be found at
RUUKKU is a multidisciplinary, multilingual, peer-reviewed media rich journal on artistic research launched in 2013. RUUKKU is published and supported by the University of the Arts Helsinki, Aalto School of Arts, Design and Architecture and the Faculty of Art and Design at the University of Lapland, with a particular focus on multi-lingual publication. The primary languages of the publication are English, Finnish and Swedish.