NR 14
Ecologies of Practice
After the Research Pavilion #3
Mika Elo, Tero Heikkinen, Henk Slager
This issue of RUUKKU has its starting point in the Research Pavilion #3 project that brought together more than fifty artist-researchers from twenty countries over a period of twenty months. The project started with an open call for "Research Cells" in April 2018 and evolved through a series of Research Cell Assemblies organised in Helsinki to an intensive period of activity in the context of the Venice Biennale. In Venice the home base of the project was Sala del Camino, the dormitory of a former monastery situated on Giudecca at a negotiable mental distance from the main venues of the Biennale. The venue functioned as a hybrid space for exhibiting, gathering, performing and practising over a period of four months (May-August 2019). The project was wrapped up in October 2019 in the form of a concise research exhibition event entitled RP#3 Info Lab that took place at the Exhibition Laboratory in Helsinki. Read more »

Emma Cocker, Cordula Daus, Lena Séraphin
Riikka Latva-Somppi, Maarit Mäkelä, Ozgu Gundeslioglu

ISSN: 2341-9687



Lucy Cotter

The Art of Zoom Read more »

Henna-Riikka Halonen

Throws of dice (lectio) Read more »


RUUKKU call: Art Pedagogy
RUUKKU call: Dreaming the City