Materiality in artistic research II
Materiality is at the heart of artistic activity. Materiality may be understood as those concrete or immaterial ingredients from which artistic outcomes are derived from. The proposed expositions for the second issue of RUUKKU are tied to material thinking in varied ways: materiality may be present conceptually, as an aspiration towards invisible "dark matter", or as a means for posing more concrete questions about the characteristics of a particular material and its potential for artistic expression. All in all, we see material as a broad thematic for reflecting on the connections between art, research and materiality.
The third RUUKKU continues with the theme of materiality established with the previous issue and invites artist-researchers from diverse fields to reflect on and present expositions about the role that material, materiality and materialism plays in their research. In recent times, materiality has been a topic of interest both in the sense of material culture and materiality of the body. With materiality we intend to cover traditional production and economical viewpoints, but especially the so-called new materialism, with its emphasis on affect and intensities. In addition to these central themes stimulated by the previous call, we now welcome expositions on research, expositions on projects and discussions from a variety of fields.
RUUKKU is a multidisciplinary, multilingual, peer-reviewed journal on artistic research launched in 2013. It is based on the Research Catalogue (RC), an international artistic research platform that enables multimedia publication. The primary languages of publication are Finnish, Swedish and English. The second issue of RUUKKU will be published in autumn 2014. The theme will be "Materiality in artistic research". See The third issue, scheduled for the end of 2014, continues with the same theme. We invite everybody engaged in artistic research – both within academic research and from the art world – to work with us in order to make RUUKKU a versatile and continuously evolving, interesting publication.
Please, create your proposals and drafts for research expositions in the Research Catalogue platform. NB. You have to register in order to use the catalogue (see "register"). The proposals should be sent both via the Research Catalogue ("publish", "submit to" and "Ruukku") and via e-mail to and no later than by 31st of August, 2014.