NR 8
Conditions of Sharing
Conditions of Sharing
Mika Elo, Leena Rouhiainen, Tero Heikkinen
The issue explores new perspectives on conditions of sharing research in the artistic field and thus offers a peer-reviewed platform related to the conference theme. In line with the conference, the call for expositions asked, among other things, how specific interests, methods, discourses, positions and ways of knowing can be disseminated more widely and more adequately. Lue lisää »


Paula Kramer

Practices of sharing: #1 insist on meeting through practice. invite a person who inspires you to share work. dive right in... Lue lisää »

Esa Kirkkopelto

The artistic research practices within art universities is at the moment informed by two parallel dynamic processes whose mutual connection has neither been fully understood nor articulated. Lue lisää »

Arlander et al.

In this text we - Annette Arlander, Hanna Järvinen, Tero Nauha and Pilvi Porkola - describe briefly our workshop "What is given?" during the 8th SAR conference in Helsinki in April 2014. Lue lisää »

RUUKKU kutsu: Taiteilijapedagogiikka
RUUKKU kutsu: Kaupunkia todeksi uneksimassa